The Grill at Knob Hill

Our memory can often be selective, so it is quite telling that I have never forgotten the scones and honey butter at Warm Springs Ranch, from my many visits to Ketchum years and years ago. As kids, my sister and I would literally get sick eating basket after basket of those light muffins filled with the sweet concoction of butter combined magically with honey. With the Warm Springs Ranch now long defunct, where can I nostalgically taste these familiar flavors of my Sun Valley childhood? The answer is the Grill at Knob Hill Inn, courtesy of Bob and Jolie Dunn, who continue this memorable tradition and more, in a new and beautifully renovated location.

“We have a history in town,” admits Jolie with a smile. After managing the Warm Springs Ranch, she and Bob shortly took over the Big Wood Grill, before landing at Knob Hill in the winter of last year. Despite the difficulties of a new location, Jolie says that she is happy with the change to a year-round establishment because it “takes the dining experience to a higher level.” Indeed it does. The Grill, whose menu is classic Northwestern fare with European influences, is modern and elegant, blending seamlessly with the sweeping changes at Knob Hill Inn.

The Dunns have been an integral part of the makeover at the Inn, which had seen no upgrades since its original construction in 1992. After the passing of its owner and operator, the legendary Joe Koenig, Knob Hill was sold and the plans to renovate immediately initiated. According to Bret Matteson at Columbia Hospitality, which now manages the Inn, the goal was “to bring Knob Hill into the 21st century, while maintaining its lasting integrity.” On December 15th, the renovations were complete and the Inn’s doors reopened to positive reviews. While the chalet-like exterior is unchanged, the inner transformation is astonishing. It is a successful, contemporary take on the European alpine stylings of the Inn’s past. 

New world and old world design meet in harmony at the recently renovated Knob Hill Inn.     Knob Hill Inn.







The Grill has been equally well received. Bob and Jolie have created a menu that incorporates the present vision of the Inn, while combining many of their favorite foods from their previous eateries. From the Lamb Shank to the Fried Chicken to the Idaho Ruby Red Rainbow Trout, there is absolutely nothing served at the Grill, which won’t satisfy the hungriest of carnivores.

The head chef, Mark “Sparky” Anderson, has once again teamed with the Dunns after working with them at both Warm Springs and Big Wood Grill. The culinary team has another prominent member in Felix Gonzalez, who previously ran Felix’s at the Knob Hill Inn. Considering the experience and talent of such a staff and the changes at Inn, one should expect the Grill at Knob Hill to become the area’s newest darling establishment. If anything, the scones and honey butter, served like I always remember, should ensure a flood of regulars with fond memories of Bob and Jolie’s past successes.

Could you imagine a more romantic setting for your Holiday party this season?




Have you tried the Grill at Knob Hill yet? Tell us what you thought about those memorable scones and honey butter!

The Grill at Knob Hill on Urbanspoon



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